Build a Amazon Lambda Layer for NPM Packages via a Lambda Function
Code to run an Amazon Lambda Function to create a Lambda Layer containing NPM packages.
Things I’ve learned how to code and that I think are worth sharing.
Code to run an Amazon Lambda Function to create a Lambda Layer containing NPM packages.
A few notes from figuring out how to use Zod and zodResponseFormat in OpenAI’s “Structured Outputs”.
About Domain Finder — a quick Pythons script to access AI APIs and come up with domain names, then check their availability.
About “Decoder”, a script to figure out what the hell an application does, so you can pass that context to other developers or to the AI itself.
How this site is built — WordPress, Kadence, plus some customisation.
How to convert a JSON array to a table in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.
How to create a simple logging tool via API, using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script.
How I coded an entire WordPress plugin using ChatGPT — from scratch, with limited coding knowledge.
How to use Ghost (the blogging platform) as a Headless CMS with Gatsby and Netlify — all the benefits of easy editing, and static site speed.
Modifying Ghost 3.0’s default theme Casper
End of all posts :)
End of all posts :)