Training at Zenith BJJ in Mexico City — A Review
My review of training at Zenith BJJ in Mexico City. I only trained there for three weeks, but this is just some general info for people interested.
My review of training at Zenith BJJ in Mexico City. I only trained there for three weeks, but this is just some general info for people interested.
My recipe for salad olvieh/olivier, a potato and chicken salad common in Iran but also generally in Eastern Europe.
My adaptation of Sally’s Dark Chocolate Mousse Layer Cake, clarified and simplified slightly, plus adapted for Australian ingredients.
Why I deleted all my social media — Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn — and am unlikely to go back.
AI isn’t going to cause mass unemployment. It’s just going to change the nature of some kinds of work. So stop fantasizing about UBI.
The paradox of aspiring to build lifestyle business. Do modest aspirations stem from honesty with yourself or from a lack of self-belief or self-worth?
All the reasons for which I don’t believe in marriage (aside from the tax or legal benefits, if you can’t get them any other way).
My recipe for chocolate and almond cantucci. Again, nothing particularly special about this recipe. But it works and I wanted to record it for people who ask for it.
If AI will destroy entire industries, then should we seek to actively destroy any first? If so, which ones, and how?
Incidentally healthy banana bread. Pretty good, pretty healthy.
End of all posts :)
End of all posts :)