Australian Apples Taste Test Comparison Cover Image

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  1. Annabella Geach says:

    Thankyou for the information on apples. I very rarely ate them because they were usually sour or dry. I’d just grab any apple from a supermarket shelf hoping that this will be the rare occasion that I will really enjoy eating an apple . I love apples when I randomly find a sweet and juicy one. Last week when I randomly grabbed an apple it was so good but I had no idea what the apple was called. Since then I’ve been grabbing random apples in the hope to find that sweet juicy apple again but all I’ve
    found are sour or bland apples again. Thanks for your advice as I really love apples (well one in every twenty at the moment) tomorrow I will go get a Fuji FFS apple 👍😃

    1. Happy to spread the love! Totally get the 1/20 ratio! Let me know if you’d change anything I wrote. Sometimes I drive by a farm and they always have something good, but I don’t know how to reliably find those…

  2. I like apples, and appreciate the guidance on picking a good one. I note you haven’t mentioned the wax at all. I find apples have varying thicknesses of wax that can really affect the eating experience, so always try to remove as much as I can with a sharp knife before eating. You must eat an awful lot of wax if you’re having multiple apples a day!

    1. Thanks… What are your favourites? Always curious to hear as everyone’s different.

      I totally agree. I’ve been buying “unwaxed whatever” apples lately. A general caveat I have is that a fresh apple right from an orchard of ANY variety generally beats supermarket apples of any variety. Now I’m just trying to figure out what kind of apple tree to plant in my yard in Melbourne.

  3. Liked your apple article. I’d like to know more about the code stickers on apples. Have figured out that within one type, such as Pink Lady, some are very much nicer than others. same goes for Granny Smiths. they are frequently horrible these days but a good GS is a wonderful crunchy crisp sweet and sour delight. I’ve tried googling but can’t find a definitive list of what the code stickers mean. However, have also found the PL 5030 is very good and here in Perth only available at specialist stores. Sadly.